Monday, August 23, 2010

What this blog's about.

Since I haven't had a chance to write a new entry last week, I figued now would be a good time to re declare the intentions of this blog. I originally set it up to plug my comic Neuropsychosis and I still will. But as time has gone on I've decided to evolve it's concept into something else. The Neuropsychosis and David Arroyo blog will now be fundamentally a blog about comics. The comic material will be written from three angles the first will be of course a fan angle. This will be reviews observations and examinations of comics that I want to opine about. Comic culture falls under this heading. The second will be a scholarly one. These entries will be about comics as literature and art. And the third angle is a creators angle. These will be about the creating of comics as I've come to understand it over the last nine years of writing and drawing Neuropsychosis. This will be the main thrust of the web log. But I will also write occasionally about other things that interest me too. Including movies, music, Disneyland, Mixology, Beer, and my own comic's universe. But these entry's will be occasional. All entries will be well written and there will be no schedule, as I will write when I have something to write about. But I am planning for it to be frequent, I recommend the RSS feed if you wish to follow it for some strange reason. So with out further ado. My blog Version 2.0.

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