Hello Today begins a new series on this blog, where I talk about the locations of Neuropsychosis. Neuropsychosis takes place in my home town of Lancaster California, and the adjoining town of Palmdale and the non incorporated community of Quartz Hill, an area known as the Antelope Valley (A.V.). It's a group of aerospace towns about 60 miles north of Los Angeles to which it also serves as a bedroom community. Many of the places in my comic actually exist or have existed in the past, some have pseudonyms others are portrayed in their accurate glory. But to keep things interesting, I've made the A.V. of Neuropsychosis a hybrid of the A.V. Now and of the past. Kind of a greatest hits version in order to make a more interesting town for the setting of my comic.
The first location is the Racquet Club Apartments in Lancaster. This Apartment complex serves as the home of Toshi and Phil, as well as Melissa, Stef, and Jammy (they're neighbors if it hasn't been clear). It is located on 15th Street West and Ave. J-8. This apartment complex is where my best friend lived for a half a year after high school. As it was where I spent man days of my early adulthood, I have many fond memories of the times I spent there, thus I chose to use it as the home of my characters having the same experience. I haven't been in the complex since 1999, so other than the exterior, it is based on my memories of the place, which was a bit dingy but not quite low rent. The place looks a bit nicer now but I've maintained it's less than pretty quality from ten years ago. The rooms are base on my memories of my friends apartment, so it's more of a set than a location. And judging by the fact that the doors are right next to each other as opposed to spaced the width of an apartment, I've assumed that neighboring apartments are mirror images of each other. Thus the relative layouts of Toshi and Melissa's apartments.
I hope you have enjoyed this location in my Neuropsychosis tour of Lancaster. I've many more to come. Next will be the main location of “The Attack of the Killer Cheeps” the Antelope Valley Mall.